Winchester is proud to offer a complete line of ammunition which is designed to provide you the ultimate protection in the form of a defensive cartridge. The Defender line begins with a rifled slug and three plated 00 Buck pellets which help increase penetration while reducing deformation when shooting through light barriers. With a quality shotgun hull, reliable Winchester primer you have a comprehensive shotshell that will meet and exceed your expectations of what a defensive shotshell should be. When the shot counts, count on Winchester Defender.
Winchester Defender Elite Defensive Ammunition Specifications and Features:
Winchester S12PDX1
12 Gauge
2-3/4″ Shotshell
1 Ounce Rifled Slug and Three Plated OO Buckshot Pellets
Grex Buffering for Tighter Patterns
Optimum Penetration and Knock Down
Muzzle Velocity 1150 fps
Test Barrel Length Not Provided
Uses: Personal Protection and Self Defense
10 Rounds
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