Reach out for That Next Tom with HEAVYWEIGHT TSS #7 shot From Federal
Federal HEAVYWEIGHT TSS Turkey loads offer the most powerful high density shot pattern on your wary target. It’s constructed of Tungsten Super Shot that is 22% denser than standard tungsten and 56% denser than lead. The result is the most energy and highest velocities at extreme range. Its rear-braking FLITECONTROL FLEX wad performs flawlessly through ported and standard turkey chokes for the most consistent, deadly patterns possible.
Federal HEAVYWEIGHT TSS Ammunition Specifications and Features:
Manufacturers Number PTSSX191F 7
12 Gauge
3-1/2″ Shell Length
#7 Shot Size
2-1/4 Ounce Charge
HEAVYWEIGHT TSS payload with advanced buffering material
Extremely high pellet counts
22 percent denser material than standard tungsten; 56 percent denser than lead
FLITECONTROL FLEX wad provides extremely tight, consistent patterns through standard and ported turkey chokes
Roll crimp and clear card wad keeps buffering material in place
Full-length wads prevent direct contact of the extra-hard pellets and the bore, protecting the barrel
A portion of the proceeds are donated to the National Wild Turkey Federation
Muzzle Velocity 1200fps
Uses Hunting Turkey
5 Round Box
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