Lead Free and Hard Hitting With Federal
Federal Upland Steel lets you serve up a better pattern to hit those fast and high flying hard to hit birds. Reliable and fast that make the most of the steel payload they are perfect for doves and other light upland birds. And if you have to use lead free these rounds get you back out there Make sure you pick up a box or two for your next dove or quail hunt.
Federal Upland Steel Ammunition Specifications and Features:
Manufacturers Number USH12 6
12 Gauge
2-3/4″ Shell Length
#6 Steel Shot
1-1/8 Ounce
Quality steel payloads
High velocities
Reliable performance
For fast-paced, high-volume dove hunts and other upland game
Muzzle Velocity 1400 fps
Uses Hunting Doves and other light upland birds
25 Rounds Per Box
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