Plain and simple, Buffalo Bore manufactures the highest grade ammunition for both the hunter and for your own personal defense. Our made in Montana Buffalo Bore Ammunition, delivers both in performance and in projectile selection. We field test our ammo in real world “over the counter” guns, not test barrels. When you pull the trigger, know that you have the ammo that will do the job. Strictly Big Bore. Strictly Business.
Muzzle velocity: 1600 fps
Velocity at 25 yards: 1541 fps
Velocity at 50 yards: 1485 fps
Muzzle energy: 2500 ft/lbs
Energy at 25 yards: 2322 ft/lbs
Energy at 50 yards: 2156 ft/lbs
Uses: Bear, Large Game
20 rounds per box. To buy a full case, order 10 boxes.
Ammo price is per box
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